India’s most comprehensive Sales Intelligence platform
Access contact information of 50 Million+ Decision Makers and 6.5 Million+ companies.
Know what your prospect wants before your meeting
Hyper-personalize your sales pitch and win the deal!
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Precise Phone Numbers. Promising Possibilities

Find Accurate Phone Numbers of your Target Audience with Advanced Filters

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Explore access awaits

Indian Data Suite

Unlock contacts, revenue and intel about any Indian companies instantly.

Company revenue and Intel

Use our advanced to find GST details, Paid-up capital, Industry, Location, Age, Size, Keywords, Financials and more.

Smart Extension to find your Next Customer anywhere.

Access Contact Information directly from Zauba Corp, LinkedIn Profiles, and absolutely any website in the world

Do more than Just a Sales Pitch.Understand Personalities of your Prospects Globally and  Personalize your Pitch to a Default Win.


Foster everlasting connection with anyone on the first call

Personality Intel

Get personality insights of anyone through the Zintlr's LinkedIn extension

Calendar Intel

Know who says what before the meeting and prepare accordingly.

Buyer Committee

Know how to convince people together without trial and error.

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Build Stronger customer relationships

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