Our Data - Content

  1. End your search for a trusted B2B database

    The gold standard for reliable, high-quality B2B data. Experience the Z-factor firsthand.

    With data cross-referenced from various sources and several data points merged together, Zintlr’s advanced proprietary algorithm provides you with the most up-to-date and verified business contact and company profiles.

  2. Data Sources

    Zintlr’s B2B database results from its proprietary machine learning algorithms and advanced technologies that collect data from various public domains, third-party suppliers, a dedicated research department, and our Z-Community contributors. The data from multiple sources are cross-verified to give you the most accurate and verified data to empower your business.

  3. Data Attributes


    Phone Number


    Size of Company

    Revenue generated

    Social media URLs

    Founded Year


    IPO Status



  4. Data Security & Privacy

    Rest assured knowing that our data collection practices prioritize compliance, providing you with the most reliable and secure business data. Our stringent data privacy and security protocols are in place for your peace of mind.